* You are viewing the archive for the ‘Training & Development’ Category

DimDim’s Demise


Ok, so not demise as such. But not  ‘business as usual’ either.

As a Dim Dim user I was disapointed to get that email recently saying that Salesforce.com had bought them. And (surprise, surprise) no more free accounts! If you use this web conferencing tool and are looking for something to replace it then take a look at Jane Hart’s Live Tools.  She’s compiled a list of tools with some really useful information and some of those listed are also free. (Or free for small numbers of users anyway.)

Anyone … Continue Reading

Top 100 Tools For Learning 2010

Jane Hart recently completed her 2010 list of the top 100 tools for learning 2010 and it’s well worth a look. Over 500 people contributed to the list by sending Jane their top 10 learning tools and last year’s list got an amazing 90,000 views on slideshare!

Here’s a link to Jane’s post: http://janeknight.typepad.com/pick/2010/10/top-100-tools-for-learning-2010-list-presentation-and-more.html

Or take a look at her presentation here:
Top100 Tools for Learning 2010View more … Continue Reading

Low Carbon Learning

We’re all trying to be more environmentally conscious. Recycling, not letting the water run too much when we brush out teeth, resisting the urge to print off all those emails and buy shiny new folders to hoard them in. But what about learning events? What impact do they have on your carbon footprint?

Let’s look at a typical scenario

An organisation needs to train 20 of their managers, who all work in a different city. The usual approach would be to buy in the services of a trainer, get all the managers together for a … Continue Reading

What is e-Learning?


Just what is e-learning anyway? Well, it depends who you ask.

E-learning to some is any training material delivered online. And the term really stands for electronic learning. So that would include webinars, screencasts, video’s and pdf’s and other online documentation. We would put some of that firmly in the ‘information’ category but it certainly has it place. Is it really e-learning though? Well, if you’re asking us – no.

If we’re giving you our definition then we might as well define good e-learning, rather than some of the stuff that would fit most definitions … Continue Reading

Five Approaches To Handling The Equality Act 2010

equality act
October of this year saw the introduction of the biggest single piece of Equality legislation in the UK. The Act brings race, disability, sex and other grounds of discrimination within one piece of legislation. It also makes changes to the law.You’ll find more information here: http://www.equalities.gov.uk/equality_act_2010.aspx

Here’s some approaches you could take to dealing with the implications of the ACT:
* Do nothing, it’s never been an issue
* Workshops/briefings
* e-learning
* Documentation (intranet, email or web)
* Blended Learning

Let’s take a closer look at each approach.

Do Nothing, it’s never been an issue
“History is no guarantee of future performance” as any … Continue Reading