* You are viewing Posts Tagged ‘blended learning; e-learning’

Preventing Bullying at Work

It’s Anti-Bullying Week  so school children across the country are getting involved in activities to highlight how damaging bullying is and to help stamp it out. You can find resources for school aged children here:  Beat Bullying

Bullying in the workplace is also of course very damaging to adults and the organisations that they work in. In fact bullying is responsible for 30% – 50% of all stress-related illness in the workplace and costs employers up to £2 billion in lost revenue every year.

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What Is Blended Learning?

 ’Blended learning’  can mean any training programme that uses different methods to teach the same subject so of course it’s nothing new to any good trainer. It’s also completely natural to us as learners. Think about how you would go about learning a language for example. You’ll almost certainly get a phrasebook or dictionary, some e-learning or audio CD’s perhaps? And maybe you’ll enrol on a short course. If funds allow, I’m sure that a holiday to practice your new skills will be pretty high up on your list too. … Continue Reading